So you’ve perfected your product and now it’s time to package it. Every successful product must be presented in an attractive, functional manner that stands out from the competition. But before you go ahead with packaging, there are some key considerations to bear in mind.

Don’t know where to start? We’re here to help.

Read on to learn more about the top seven things you should consider when deciding on your product packaging!

What Your Packaging Says About Your Product

Before we dive into the details, it’s important to consider how your packaging communicates with potential customers. This means you must be strategic about the design and materials used to send a clear message.

Here’s what the perfect packaging does for your product:

7 Things to Watch Out for When Choosing Product Packaging

Now that we’re clear on what your packaging should be doing, let’s look at some of the most important factors which will help you get the best product packaging for your business.

1. Durability

This is probably the most important factor. You don’t want your product arriving in a damaged state or worse still, not arriving at all! Your packaging should be strong enough to protect whatever you need to ship but also lightweight enough to keep costs down.

2. Weight and Size

How much space does your product take up? Bigger items will require heavier-duty packaging, while smaller items can afford to be lighter and more compact. Weight is also a factor as heavier packages will incur higher shipping costs.

3. Materials

What kind of materials will you use for your packaging? You must choose the right materials so that they are durable enough to protect your product in transit but cost-effective too.

Recycled materials can be used to save on costs and make your packaging more eco-friendly. Some industries may be more suited to biodegradable materials such as compostable cellulose, but if you’re marketing to a younger audience, environmental credentials are a must.

4. Design Details

It’s important to consider the design details of your packaging too. The shape, colors, logos, and fonts should be consistent with your brand identity so that customers know immediately who it is from. You can also use features like windows or handles to make a statement.

5. Cost-Efficiency

Packaging costs can quickly add up. Try to find the most cost-effective solution with the best materials and design, while still achieving what your product needs. If you’re not sure, it may be worth investing in a few prototypes to test out different designs and materials before committing to a big order.

Don’t forget to think about your company’s scaling needs too—you don’t want to be stuck with a design that isn’t suitable as your business grows.

6. Regulations

Are there any regulations or laws which you must adhere to when packaging your product? You must check for any restrictions on what materials can be used, or how the package should look.

Some industries have stricter regulations than others, so make sure you familiarize yourself with the relevant guidelines. You can also hire a professional to help you understand the regulations and make sure you stay compliant.

7. Unboxing Experience

Finally, think about how customers will experience your product when they open it up. A great unboxing experience can make all the difference in building a positive brand image. For example, if your product is pitched at an older market, a minimalistic design might make more sense than bright colors and flashy logos.


It’s easy to get caught up in the launch of a new product and forget about the importance of packaging. But with the right materials and design, you can ensure that your product reaches your customers safely and in style. Consider these factors when choosing your product packaging and you’ll give it the best chance of success!

Debt continues to be a touchy subject for many people.

For many, debt isn’t just about money. Not being able to pay one’s debts often feels more like a personal embarrassment than a financial problem. While debts should, of course, be repaid, we’re here to tell you that failing to pay your debts is not the end of the world.

You’re not a bad person and debt doesn’t have to define your life—as long as you work on tackling it.

This New Year is the perfect opportunity to start taking action.

Here are some positive steps you can take to tackle your debt this new year and get the debt-free life you deserve!

1. Make a Debt Plan

We all know just how daunting facing debt can be. It’s important to take a step back, assess your debt situation, and create a debt plan. This debt plan should include the total amount of debt you owe (including details such as interest rates, and repayment terms), as well as identifying when and how you can make payments towards it.

When you’re in debt, it’s common for emotions to take over. Suddenly, small debts can seem like a huge debt mountain. Making a debt plan to tackle your debt can help you regain control and better understand the steps needed to become debt-free.

Debt plans help take away the panic and fear associated with debt, keeping you on track to meet your financial goals.

2. Consolidate Your Debts

Debt consolidation is a great way to make debt repayment easier and more manageable. Consolidating debt means combining all of your debt payments into one single payment that is typically lower than the total amount you were previously paying each month. This not only simplifies debt management but also saves you money later on.

That’s because debt consolidation usually comes with lower interest rates, which means you pay less in the long term. This debt relief option is also good for your credit score as it shows that you are making a committed effort to pay off debt.

3. Cut Down Expenses

Having a plan to tackle debt is great, but it won’t work if you don’t have enough money. That’s why it’s important to look at ways of reducing your expenses to free up more money for debt repayment.

Go through your monthly expenses and see which ones are necessary and which ones can be cut down or eliminated. This could include cutting out unnecessary luxuries, reducing your grocery budget, eating out less often, and taking steps to save energy.

Look for ways to cut down without impacting your quality of life too much. Opting for a sharespace instead of a private office, for example, can still provide a great working environment without costing you an arm and a leg.

Taking these steps not only gets you closer to debt freedom, but it also helps you to get used to living within your means—an excellent way to prepare for your future debt-free life!

4. Look for Ways to Increase Your Income

What if you’ve cut down all your expenses and debt repayment still doesn’t seem possible? If you find yourself in this situation, it may be a good idea to consider ways of increasing your income. This could mean getting a second job or taking on freelance work. Even something as small as selling items that you no longer use can bring in some extra cash.

5. Consider Debt Relief Options

If debt repayment is still too difficult for you even after consolidating debt and increasing income, debt relief options may be the way to go. Debt relief programs can help you get debt-free in a shorter time frame, and debt counseling can provide advice on how to manage debt better.

6. Pay More Than The Minimum

Paying more than the minimum on your debt each month is a great way to tackle debt and get debt-free faster. Doing this will reduce the total amount of debt you owe as well as reduce the amount of interest you are paying.

We understand how painful paying more than you need to can be. It’s a hump that trips many debtors. But debt repayment and debt-free life isn’t a quick fix, it’s an ongoing process that requires commitment and dedication.

7. Talk to Someone

Sometimes the debt situation can be overwhelming, so don’t suffer in silence. Talking to someone about your debt can help provide insight into your debt problem as well as give you the emotional and psychological support you need.

There are debt counselors who can provide debt advice and debt management assistance, as well as friends and family members who may be able to help out financially or emotionally. Being able to keep going when debt repayment is difficult is key to debt freedom.


If you commit to following the steps outlined above, you can tackle debt this new year and pursue a debt-free life. Don’t let debt overwhelm you – with the right plan and commitment, debt freedom is possible. Start today on your journey toward debt freedom!

A premium sharespace created with multicultural business owners in mind, =SPACE provides resources for startups, coaching for tech companies, and access to minority business owners. We believe that access + resources = SPACE & Opportunities.